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Google Earth is still censored in the Kingdom of Morocco!

30 Mai 2007, 18:00pm

Publié par Naim

censorship-map-morocco.jpg     Voir ce billet en français
    This is a call, posted by a fellow blogger in Motic, to stop the Maroc Telecom's censorship of Google Earth:

    I invite all the bloggers that believe in freedom on earth to publish this post as is on their blogs.
    Maroc Telecom and Vivendi continue to block access to Google Earth for moroccan internet users for no reason. The censorship of Google Earth started in august 2006 and never stopped as of today. Morocco is the only country in the world to do that. I invite freedom and human rights defenders and the journalists all over the world to make this known to everybody! Inform the world about this absurd censorship that lasts for almost a year now and that is aimed only at Moroccans.
    Ask the moroccan government, Maroc Telecom and Vivendi (who controls Maroc Telecom) for official statements about this matter.
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Je viens de consulter ma boite mais pas d'email de votre part !!Bye
Salut prof,<br /> Veuillez consulter votre email.
Salam :<br /> Je ne vois aucune raison valable pour censurè GE, c’est un service gratuit chez nous et fort intéressant pour des fins éducatifs, le censuré c’est fermé une source indéniable de savoir et faire un recul ce qui concerne la démocratie naissante au Maroc.<br /> Pour les gens mal honnêtes perchés en haut !!!! Laissez nous tranquille, et levez la main sur notre préférable goooooooooooooogle earth .<br /> A bientôt